Tranny Granny Needs a Shrink

Here it is April first today – time for another story. This story is a bit tragic as it turns out I think I am in need of a psychotherapist. (Item to Note – it is not for me as I am too far gone for that). It is for “Grandma.” Having just celebrated my … Read more

And I Said: Yes

Let me explain about what I said “Yes” to. I am a long-time member of the Early Ford V8 club (EFV8). When I graduated from college in 1954 and got commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Air Force, I finally had sufficient income to buy a car. I got a loan for $500, and … Read more

The Double Meaning of Fall Time

There are two kinds of fall. One where you take a header down the basement stairs, and another where you have weather that happens just before winter. Since the two are totally unrelated, I think it makes for a good discussion to assure there is no confusion between the two in the mind of my … Read more

Has It Come to This?

Disturbing events over the past month have led me to believe that the behavior of my restoration cars is mimicking the darker side of human behavior. They have exhibited resentment, class struggle and sexual deviation. Let me explain as I am sure that most of my readers have not experienced this phenomenon, so they need … Read more

My Next Very Last Project

It is now time to start my third “very last project.”  So there will be no misunderstanding, let me define how these projects came about and how they are numbered. The need for the numbering system is due to my age. At age ninety, long term planning can mean “next year” not “next decade,” so … Read more

Unrequited Love

Merriam-Webster defines unrequited as “not reciprocated or returned in kind.” Unrequited love is what I am getting from the Bluebird. The Bluebird is the restomod 1962 Pontiac Catalina that I have been working on lo these many years. (No, it is not a Bonneville. That badge in the grill just came with the better replacement … Read more

The Undrivable Car

Last Saturday Harry Linsay arranged for the Early Ford V8 Club (EFV8) to go on a tour to Pinkees Rod Shop in Windsor, CO, which was followed by visiting the massive model railroad museum in Greeley. Since I am a long-term member of the EFV8 Club, I was honor bound to take my 1940 Ford … Read more

Bluebird Needs a Diaper

Rosies Diner in Colorado

Doug made a happy announcement to the Friday 11 o’clock meeting group. “On Monday, there is going to be a nice break in the winter weather, which has been both cold and snowy. The conditions will be perfect for a rod run to Monument and lunch at Rosie’s Diner.” Count me IN! The timing is … Read more

One Mistake – Dallas Air Show

This is an article I wish I didn’t feel I have to write. I should be writing how the “Blue Bird” has taken a turn to become the “Boo Bird” due to the presence of the wrong design parts that were sent to me. (I will cover this at a later date). What I feel … Read more