A group of friends and I were recently reminiscing, and one of them asked me about Uncle Nunzio. I thought this was a great opportunity to take a trip down memory lane and reintroduce Uncle Nunzio.

What makes me so suspicious that I am being scammed? The email I received states that this individual wants to buy the car and asks me for my bottom line price. I am not one to advertise a highly inflated price so that I can negotiate it down. (I think that is a made-for-TV selling tactic). I price it close to my expectation amount, but I leave a little room for negotiation as special circumstances indicate. I offered a firm price, which apparently was accepted as I got an email back with a rather unusual offer.

I responded that I considered the deposit as payment to hold the car off the market; if sold, the deposit would be deducted from the sales price. If not sold, I would retain the deposit. The cost of the inspection I expected to be paid directly by the buyer and not involve me. In addition, I wanted direct contact information including phone number, address and a bank reference from the buyer. Another of my conditions is that the car would not be released for transport or release of title until all funds had been cleared by my bank. I consider this just good business practice and not unusual. I get an email back with the information that the buyer is on a cruise ship and out of touch with a reiteration of the former offer.
I think it would be appropriate to have Uncle Nunzio waiting at the dock when the cruise ship returns. Of course, that is not possible not only because his services are no longer available but also because I expect there is no cruise ship. My suspicion is that I am being asked to finance the theft of my car. This is not agreeable to me.
In my last contact several years ago with Uncle Nunzio, I could sense the impending end of his services. He showed me his favorite Berretta sawed off shotgun of which he was so proud. When I looked down the barrel, I could see evidence of corrosion – something that was not even remotely possible when he was “in business.” The all brass cartridges that he hand loaded with his special brand of gun powder were not neatly stacked as was usually the case but were instead scattered in an old cigar box. He said that he had given the German ball bearings that he loaded into the shells to a local kid who used them in his slingshot to shoot starlings that are pests around his house. He favored the precise German ball bearing because of their environmental friendliness as they do not poison the wild life like lead shot. (Note: They also have a greater dynamic effect when infrequently used for dispute settlement). It was sad to see that his trigger finger was bent from arthritis. As a parting gift, he gave me his favorite ice pick, which I have placed in my tool chest and put to good use to align stubborn parts. I think Nunz would appreciate that.

We now have a case of seller beware . . . you are in the sights of very talented and imaginative scammers. If you get burned, you probably will have to eat the loss as formal justice is too expensive except for corporate budgets. Uncle Nunzio would probably have taken on your project, but only after careful investigation by him of the need for his services and an attempt at a benign settlement of the issue. If extreme prejudice in settlement of the dispute was indicated, you could be sure that there would be no repeat offenses. It is best now to just band together and, by social interaction, expose the scammers and drive them out of business.