Personal Note from the Author

During the start-up phase of our medical electronic business, Sara and I drove coast to coast and border to border twice in one year. So what do you do you in the middle of Kansas on cruise control? You think about the people that you know and what fun it would be to write a story and put them in it. So the names you see in these stories are for the most part actual people cast in very unusual circumstances. I have been asked by some manuscript readers if these stories are really true. OF COURSE THEY ARE. It is just that I made up some of the facts and certain things have yet to happen.
Oh yes, the “40 Ford Standard coupe is very real. I bought it 1954 for $500 from Wally who you will meet in Part 2 of the book. As you will find out, every time it changes hands it is for $500. Now at age 81, I look back in time and sometimes wonder how I ever got to be this old. I did not transport illegal whiskey and I was not a race car driver, but I did go like hell in a ’40 Ford hot rod (and still do). Guess I was just lucky to make it this far. So go pedal to the metal with me and enjoy the stories.

2 thoughts on “Personal Note from the Author”

  1. Charlie, I am enjoying the book very much. You delivered it next door last Saturday and I now have 100 pages to go. It is well written and funny. I didn’t realize you had such a great sense of humor.


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